UN Quality Education

Ruby Egyud
7 min readMay 17, 2021

Pressure Students Feel to Enter Specialized Schools


All around the world, children change schools. There are elementary schools, junior high, high schools, and colleges. The UN wants all children to have access to free, equitable education, but schools choose which student to take. Students and their families want to get into good schools. They have to take tests to enter good schools. A lot of students and their families feel anxious about the tests. They study hard and take a lot of tests. This is common around the world but it starts at different times. In China studying for tests starts very young. In America studying for tests starts when they are older. In France, students do not feel this pressure until college.

Chinese Children get ready for tests when they are very young. They want to get into a good Elementary school so they start studying when they are three years old. They must know how to read, write, do math, and speak English. It is very difficult for them. Parents are very anxious. They want their children to do well. When the child does not do well, the parents become angry. They will yell at their children. Children in China must work very hard. They feel pressure right away to work hard. If they do not do well, they will not enter a good school.

In New York, students have to choose a high school. The choice is difficult because there are a lot of high schools. Moreover, a lot of students want to enter specialized schools. Students get nervous because it is hard to enter these specialized schools, but they want to enter good universities. Students have to pass a high school entrance examination, the SHSAT.

In France, at the end of middle school, the choice of high school by students is not difficult. There is no need for an entrance examination, but sometimes in private schools, one is needed. There are few specialized high schools in France. Thus, students are stressed about the final high school examination.

Schools in China, America, and France are very different. They all start testing students at different ages. Good schools will not accept children who test badly. All schools should be good schools. Students should not feel pressure to study to enter school. Students should be allowed to enter any school. All students should be allowed to receive the same quality of education.

せかいじゅうで、子供たちは, 小学校、中学校、高校、大学まで学校を変えなくてはなりません。こくれんはすべての子供たちがむりょうで、こうへいなきょういくをうけられることをのぞんでいますが、実際、学校はどのせいとをうけいれるかをせんたくします。せいととその家族はもちろん子供をいい学校に入れたいと思っています。生徒は、よい学校ににゅうがくするためにテストをうけなければなりません。そのため、おおくの学生とその家族は、しけんに’ふあんをかんじています。生徒は、いっしょうけんめい勉強し、たくさんのテストをうけます。これはせかいじゅうでいっぱんてきですが、テストの時期は、国によって異なる時期にはじまります。中国では、テストの勉強はとても子供が小さい時からはじまります。ニューヨークでは、テストの勉強はもう少し年が上になってからはじまります。フランスでは、学生は大学までこのプレッシャーをかんじません。





